Make a Stand

Make a Stand

Together we can Make a Stand
against abuse

The Ryde Hunters Hill Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Committee (RHHDFSVC) is an interagency group, who aims to address domestic, family, and sexual violence issues at a local community level by working collaboratively in the Ryde and Hunters Hill Local Government areas.

The RHHDFSVC host the Make a Stand event every year on the fourth Thursday of every November and part of the international 16 days of activism.

Make A Stand is a walk held in Macquarie Park to raise awareness, advocate for improved services and to acknowledge those who have lost their lives to domestic, family, and sexual violence.

Please support the Ryde Hunters Hill Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Committee to help advocate for improved services for an increasing number of individuals and families in our community experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence.

For more information or to be notified when to register for Make a Stand 2025, please email

Together we can Make a Stand
against abuse

Domestic and family violence is everyone business.  Domestic and family violence causes significant physical, emotional, psychological and financial harm to those who experience it, and can be lethal.

Domestic and family violence can take many forms, occur in many kinds of relationships and involve many tactics, its impacts also vary.

  • On average, one woman per week is killed in Australia by a current or former male partner (ANROWS, 2018; Australian Institute of Criminology, 2017).
  • Intimate partner violence is the leading contributor to death, disability and illness in Australian women aged 18–44, and contributes an estimated 5.1 per cent of the burden of disease for women aged 18–44 (ANROWS, 2016).
  • All children and young people who experience family violence are affected in some way. Such exposure has long-term psychological, emotional and behavioural consequences (Family Safety Victoria, 2019ANROWS, 2016).
  • Family violence is the leading cause of homelessness in Victoria (Parliament of Victoria, 2021).



Please join the Ryde Hunters Hill Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Committee in a walk on Thursday 28 November 2024 from 11.00am to 1.00pm in the Macquarie Park precinct.

The annual Make a Stand walk acknowledges the commencement of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence annual international campaign.

Kicking off with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, the campaign runs until Human Rights Day on 10 December 2024.

Save the date and join your community in Making a Stand Against Abuse.

If you would like to volunteer to help with this event, or have any queries, please email