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September eNewsletter

Check out our shared articles and parenting news, including: five golden parenting rules; managing screen time; expand your focus on band behaviour. Read online ...

June eNewsletter

Check out our shared articles and parenting news, including: how to stop yelling at your children; transition kids from 'techno tantrums'; benefits of a positive mindset; avoiding disrespectful behaviour. Read online ...

March eNewsletter

Check out our shared articles and parenting news, including: protecting your child from sexual abuse; dealing with difficult school drop offs; supporting youth mental health; Ryde learning to drive routes. Read online ...

Feeling overwhelmed by parenting?

When we are feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed at being a parent, our minds tend to latch on to all the negatives that are plentiful in our lives. We may start to catastrophize and view small hiccups as major disasters, whilst bigger challenges begin...

New School Year – Time to check in?

The school year is well underway and for some young people it was probably a smooth transition back into the school year, with the return of routine and predictability of a school schedule. For others however, it may have been a little rockier and they...

Our favourite play dough recipe

What you need: 2 cups plain flour 2 tablespoons cooking oil 1 cup salt 2 cups boiling water (add slowly until it feels right) 1 tablespoons of tartar Food colouring Method: Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a large mixing bowl Add...

Mindfulness Parenting

As parents, we often know how we would like to respond to the challenges that arise when caring for our child, however, in the heat of the moment we tend to respond in a different way. Raising a child can be a richly rewarding and fulfilling...

마음 챙김과 양육 (Mindfulness parenting)

긍정적인 양육과 원만한 부모-자식 관계는 자녀의 사회∙감정 발달에 다방면으로 좋은 영향을 준다는 사실이 수많은 연구를 통해 잘 알려져 있습니다. 자녀를 키울 때 발생하는 어려운 상황에서 부모로써 어떻게 대처해야 하는지 알고는 있지만 순간 이성을 잃고 예기치 못한 반응을 할 때가 있습니다. 자녀 양육은 매우 보람 있고 성취감을 느끼는...

正念和育儿 (Mindfulness Parenting)

经过大范围的全球调查和研究,人们普遍知道积极的育儿方式和亲子关系可以让孩子的社交和情绪发展中的多个方面得到加强。 作为父母,通常情况下我们知道要如何应对在照顾孩子时出现的挑战。然而,在盛怒之下,我们更容易采用非常不同的应对方式。...

Christmas crafts for the family

Christmas Play Dough What you need: 2 cups plain flour 2 tablespoons cooking oil 1 cup salt 2 cups boiling water (add slowly until enough) 2 tablespoons of tartar Food colouring Method: Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a large mixing bowl Add...