Importance of socialising and play with your toddler

Importance of socialising and play with your toddler

The term ‘caring and sharing’ is important in teaching a child a respectful approach to life. By using a calm voice and showing a positive regard towards people, parents can role model to their child a healthy way of relating to others. This modelling helps support a child’s social development and gives your child a strong sense of belonging.

Children also learn about socialising through engaging with other similar-aged children. One to two year olds have not yet learned the ‘art’ of sharing toys and space with others. This age group will play alongside or nearby others, however still prefers a familiar adult close by. Two year olds have a growing independence and can become easily frustrated. When your child feels irritated, reflect to your child calmly, “I can see you are frustrated” or “Are you upset that your blocks fell down?”.  We all want our feelings heard and be understood, the same goes for children. Your child may not understand all the words you say but your calmness and attentiveness to your child will help to soothe them and they will learn to apply this self-control as they get older.

In this time poor era, parents don’t need to have huge chunks of dedicated time spent with their child. Spend about 15 – 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon and your relationship with your child will thrive. Read books, sing nursery rhymes or play games. These activities assist a child to read and concentrate, learn to take turns, and help develop empathy and skills in relating to others.

Our ultimate goal as parents is to develop our children into happy, mature, thoughtful and respectful adults.


If you would like to learn more about understanding and supporting your child’s development, please contact us on 9334 0111 or to arrange to talk with one of our experienced Family Workers in a confidential setting.