Join your community in the annual Make a Stand Against Abuse Walk.

Thursday, 28 November, 2024
11.00am – 1.00pm at Macquarie Park

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Parenting Toolbox

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Welcome to our Parenting Toolbox.

Parenting is one of life’s most rewarding experiences, however it can be extremely challenging as well.

Our toolbox aims to provide you with regular tips, tools and strategies to help support you in building strong, healthy connections with your child.

To complement the wealth of education you can receive through our parenting programs and events, we will be developing the parenting toolbox to include informational videos, articles, research and tutorials.

As part of our commitment to provide our community with family support services, we welcome your feedback on any topics or resources you would find beneficial.


Building relationships with grandparents

Grandparents are cherished members of the family; their life experience and wisdom is invaluable. Many grandparents will say the love given and received from their grandchildren is a rewarding experience. They see their legacy continue through their beloved grandchildren. It can take time for some to...

Belonging and feeling accepted

There is a strong yearning within each of us to belong and be accepted, whether it be part of a family or a social group. Sadly, some people are not accepted in a group because of a disability, their sexuality or culture, social awkwardness, or...

Social Media Impact on Parenting

When our adorable bundle is born, we are not given an instruction manual on how to raise our delightful progeny.  We guide our offspring through the many milestones of life and on this journey, we take photos and record events in the lives of our...

Importance of Dad time

Until around the 1970s, there were mostly clear and defined roles for Mums and Dads. The Mother would stay at home or be the main caretaker and emotional support for the children whilst Dad was the bread winner. However these days there are no longer...

School holiday activity tips

The end of a school year can be an exciting time for children. Christmas is on the horizon and it’s a long holiday period to play and chill out. For parents, it can be a hopeful time; catching up with extended family; time to see...

Setting limits with your child

Setting limits with our children can be difficult. Kids push the limits daily, they know our triggers and what we react to. We step in and try to fix their problems. We want our children to love us, we want our children to be our...

Sibling rivalry

Disagreements between siblings can be intense and wear a parent down. It’s not uncommon for children to argue about situations that, in their eyes, are unfair.  Children can fight over a toy, a turn on the trampoline or for a parent’s attention. When siblings are...

Budgeting tips for the festive season

Managing your day-to-day finances can be challenging enough so with the festive season approaching, we’ve put together some of our top budgeting tips to help you prepare. Create lists The more organised you are before you go shopping, you are more likely to avoid overspending and buying...

Parent teacher interview considerations

Parent teacher interviews are a time to find out the academic and social progress of your child. The meetings are usually about 10 – 15 minutes for primary aged children. For high school, parents are allocated 5 minutes to see each teacher and often there...

Importance of socialising and play with your toddler

The term ‘caring and sharing’ is important in teaching a child a respectful approach to life. By using a calm voice and showing a positive regard towards people, parents can role model to their child a healthy way of relating to others. This modelling helps...